Ewww, my weekend was so depression D:
because of public holiday, thoud I don't get really involed
exept that some people wished me "Happy Easter". -___-;
and the other thing was my personality stuff.
Mostly I looked my self in my appartment and I never went outside.
Only when my mother called to give me easter chocolate and
a japanese sweet stuff, that my father didn't want eat.
I also cried one time, because I was scared,
when I remeber the vision/dream that I had on friday.
That happend when I was thinking about something and
for few second a picture flashed front of my eyes,
how I was grabing a friends head and smashed her on the wall.
Most scary is that the place was at my school. *shiver*
That thing isn't first time happend...
few years ago I had same way a vision, only it was a part of my past memory.
That's why I didn't really care that time.
But now I'm really scared...
and I also don't know what to do. Dx
I know I'm really scary cat, but I'm also really sensitive and
when I'm scared or have depression I always feels sick... Orz
I'm also scared, what if I don't find internship. D:
Yesterday, I was writing a mail to my boss and while I was writing in german I noticed, that I mixed english and german in one sentence. \(°∆°)\ /(°∆°)/ Nooo!
My old habit come back!! ><
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