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Showing posts from July, 2010

8 Fragen von Lu-Tan :D

Sorry for english blog reader, this entry is in german again... but next Blog entry is english again :D  Lu-Tan hat mich angetaggt! 1. Worin liegt deine Begabung? In Zeichnung in Manga Style xD 2. Wie stellst du dir (d)eine Traumhochzeit vor? Gar nix....ich habe auch nicht vor zu heiraten xP 3. Wenn du die Möglichkeit hättest einen Künstler/Musiker zu treffen, wer wäre das und warum?  (können auch bereits verstorbene Personen sein) Künster ist Katsura Hoshino und Akira Amano, weil ich die beiden Manga-ka echt toll mag :D und Musiker is Takeru von SuG, weil er so niedlich ist und möchte ihn mal kennen lernen xD LoL 4. Wie sieht dein perfektes Sommeroutfit aus? kurze Shorts und ärmellose top, aber nicht zu eng an den körper xD 5. Du darfst wählen: entweder Pinsel+Aquarellfarben oder Feder+schwarze Tusche. Was würdest du damit malen bzw. zeichnen? Ferder + schwarze Tusche (auch wenn ich die technik nie verwende xD), ich werde ein comic zeichen LoL mein Allt...

New Hair style

I cut my hair on frieday evening by my self as always :D and also dyed hair, but failed xD... the blond part I did 4 month ago...

Awesome Art Exihibition

I went yesterday with my friend to Luzern (Switzerland) to visit two art exihibition. One is diplomwork of Artschool Luzern and the otherone is a big art exihibition manly from chinese art-student works. Some is also from switzerland artwork. :) My friend took some photo and shared with me~ :3 Here come my favorite art work of this exhibition~ <3 When I saw her Illustraition I was like "ohhhhhh~,  so cute! I like her work ect" *____* There was also a cushion of the main Charakter "Cat or something like that". Really cute~ <3 My friend and I went also shopping in the city. I bought one book and one Manga "Kuroshitsuji vol1." in German. I also bought a cute neckless. On the neckless is a kitty with a heart. <3 Those are flyer and postcard that I collect while exihibition  :3 It was really fun to visit exihibition and collecting inspiration for next year my diplom work~. :D I wonder what kind of theme it...