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Showing posts from July, 2009


I draw this two sketch wihle I was think about how should look the cover for my comic and I still don't have a Idea... orz~ the first sketch is a impluse wihle I was laying on my bed and the second sketch is a gothic lolita doll. I will put this in DA, when I finished with my comic...

Freunde???/Friends??? (Gedicht/Poem)

Freunde???? Was ist dann, wenn man das Wort "Freunde" sieht und einem übel wird? "Freunde", was ist das eigentlich? Ich kann mit diesem Wort nicht anfangen, denn es verwirrt mich nur... Ausserdem wird es mir immer übel, wenn ich nur daran denke... Bin ich den so sehr gesunken, dass ich nur wegen der einzige Wort davon flüchte oder bilde ich mir das nur alles ein? Ich fühle nur leere, wenn ich das Wort "Freunde" sehe. Ich irre mich wie in eine dunkle Labyrinth und könnte mich für mein Rest Lebens herum irren. Für immer in einer Teufelskreis gefangen bleiben.... Friends??? What is, if you see the word "Friends" and you feel sick? "Friends", what is it actually? I can't do anything with that "word", because it's confus me... By the way I feel always sick, when I think about it... Did I fall so low, that I run away from a one word or am I wrong? I feel only empty, if I see the word "Friends". I stray like in a da...

Poem II

I wrote this Poem for about 3 month ago... What do you know about me?! What do you know about my feeling?! You don't know about me and my feelings, so keep out of it! Some feelings, that I can't handel it and I don't even tell, witch feeling it is. Then you can't solve my problems. Do you have pity with me, that I'm withdrawn?! I don't need your pity to me, then that irritate me. You don't need to know, what I thinking, because it's my brain and keep out of it!! I'm like I'm and I will not alout from nobody to change me. If you swear or snap at me, so I will ignor you. Don't compare me with other person, that I will realy hate!! So leave me alone in this small world with that person, that I love from howl my heart!!! Was wisst ihr schon über mich?! Was wisst ihr über meine Gefühle?! Ihr kenn mich und meine Gefühle nicht, also haltet ihr euch am besten daraus! Es gibt Gefühle, die ich nicht umgehen kann und ich werde auch nicht verraten wel...