Hello Guys and Girls~ <3 How are ya? I'm very fine and I had one presentation of two, today. The second will be on 28th of june. D: Anyway it's not the main point what I want write today. After what happen in Japan with earthquike, tsunami and Fukushima. My Mama talk about the situation about curently state in Japan allmost ever day to me. It's not that my Mama lives in Japan right know, she live in Switzerland with me and my father for 20 years. She get all information about the situation in Japan from Japanese news and Internet TV from Internet. First of all I can tell that the situtation is day per day going worse in Japan. Because since the Fukushima Nueclear plant explode, the radioactive goes each day, since they can fix anymore. Which means that the radioactive is almost all Japan spread. Many people area of Fukushima and farther lives in radioactive places. Because neither japanese newspaper and gouvement TV mention about the situation of Fukushima and radio...
pessimist artist, who draw theme death in surreal and yet realistic combination with manga-style~