I wanted write/tell that now official, that I got 9 month at Leipzig (germany). I already knew that I got my internship as illustraiter on the middle of april. Befor that I was still unsure, if I can work there for 9 month until I got my workcontract. Because I missunderstand, that the company wrote about internship on the homepage. More embressing things is my mother understand better german than me. Orz Even I speak/read/write german since I was child and yet still bad about grammatik and understunding. Anyway let beside that thing. On Frieday I showed my sketch of my doujinshi Gio x Tsuna to a schoolfriend. He's always funny and even if my doujinshi is shounen-ai, he always watch my art. I guess, he really like my art and he also don't really mind to read my shounen-ai doujinshi (?) LoL Today was all day culturseminar and tomorrow is again. Orz I will allmost fall a sleep while listen to teachers talking all day. It's really complex to explain, what culturseminar i...
pessimist artist, who draw theme death in surreal and yet realistic combination with manga-style~